Podcast “Leadership in 2023”

Podcast “Leadership in 2023”

In this Episode host Agnes Kunkel discusses with her guest Brigitta Wurnig, leadership coach for top executives, the overall restructuring happening inside companies, new skills that leaders and managers have to acquire, and to which extent will those reformations...
SIY Practicum Training with HAW FTZ

SIY Practicum Training with HAW FTZ

Mindfulness meets virtual reality! What a cool combination for my Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Training I held with my dear co-teacher Marte Kamzelas. Ten lovely people from startups at FTZ (Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Digital Reality) of Hochschule für Angewandte...
SIY Practicum Training with ESB Students

SIY Practicum Training with ESB Students

Can mindfulness go virtual? Yes! 21 lovely students from ESB Business School, Reutlingen, learned in the mindfulness based training for Emotional Intelligence, invented at Google, about selfawarness, selfmanagement, motivation, empathy, and leadership. We meditated,...