Do you need new success patterns for your leadership tasks after the unpredictable C time? Then I have news and innovative formats for you today.



It’s no different for me! After twenty years in the coaching business, the C-Time whirled everything upside down. Not always entirely voluntarily, I admit, but then with enthusiasm, I faced the most important question at the beginning of the year: what patterns of success determined my professional life and what kept me from breaking new ground to develop myself further?

Now, you may think that with my McKinsey background, I can easily find the answers myself. But, far from it. When it comes to your own blind spots, only an outside perspective helps. So, I worked with a young woman who was studying Digital Product Management.

Wow, the collaboration had it all! She asked me basic questions about myself and my business that I didn’t always have immediate answers to. The process about purpose and alignment took off in full swing. And my inner saboteurs immediately spoke up, because they wanted to prevent any change. It was very cozy on my sofa in the comfort zone.

The loudest ones were my inner judge and perfectionist. The two saboteurs whispered incessantly in my ear that I would never be good enough in online coaching and should therefore just carry on as usual.

Believe me, I was challenged. It was clear to me that I had to keep on strengthening my mental fitness in order to silence my saboteurs. Daily, I continued to exercise my mental muscles with appropriate mindfulness strategies, staying in the growth mindset. This enabled me to think creatively and innovatively about the business issues, formulate my USP and start with new formats in online coaching.

It was worth it! Finally, the message was clear that I carry into the world and to my clients, and for which I stand:

Voilà, does that sound good to you? Then take a look at my new homepage. There you will not only find a completely new design, but also new coaching products that can help you work on your new success patterns.

6 ways to your new success patterns at a glance


My many years of successful executive coaching and team coaching naturally continue – also online – because my clients and teams

because my clients and teams want to get out of their negative spiral and face the changing challenges with new leadership strengths. With my coaching they improve their performance, satisfaction and focus. Here you can find more details

“Re-Connect Your Team” is the hot topic of the moment as teams return to the office and need to settle into the new world of work.

Hybrid, or how about you and your team? The C-era has left its mark on team mental fitness and performance. Familiar yet unfamiliar, you now want to arrive well and quickly so team members feel like they belong again. Teams now want to work better together with new structures in place to meet challenges cohesively. If you want to lead your team confidently into the new reality with a structured workshop in four steps, click here. 

With my new online masterclass “My Own Way – Strengthen your own standing as a leader” you can work step-by-step with an exclusive group on your authentic leadership personality.

The better you know yourself, get out of the critic trap and keep your clear focus, the better you can lead others and achieve results. With the master class, I have responded to the request of many clients for group coaching for leaders who want to redefine their personal success patterns, increase their inner satisfaction and ensure their performance. The master class starts on 10/26/2021. If you are ready for the next leadership level, click here.

“Search Inside Yourself” is the ingenious training invented and tested by Google to increase your mental fitness and leadership strengths with Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness. 

In structured modules, backed with neuroscience studies and lots of exercises, you’ll learn step-by-step how to exercise your mental muscles to more confidently handle challenges, difficult relationships, stress and your leadership goals. I promise you’ll start seeing results right away in the training, and the 28-Day Challenge that follows will ensure sustainability.  If you have a group that needs this exact SIY training, check it out here.

We all want to live and work more resiliently because C-Time has made us realize how important it is to manage our time and resources well.

In the new online training “Adaptive Resilience” from the Search Inside Yourself Institute for Leadership, you’ll learn how to manage acute stressful situations, maintain your inner focus when things get hectic, and handle change even better. The three-part online training is packed with easy-to-follow instructions, exercises and transfer to the job. Do you have a group for which the resilience training fits? Then click here. 

I am passionate about speaking on my topics and supporting your conference or meeting with presentations or interviews that inspire.

If you need a lively talk on Leadership, Mental Fitness or Coaching, I’m happy to be your speaker. Click here

At the end a gift for you

For beginners, new clients or the curious, there is now the free video series “Finding New Patterns of Success” by and with me. 

In three short modules, I talk about the ten saboteurs and five strategies for silencing your saboteurs.

“Cool” is what I heard from some, because they were able to follow along with the exercises right away and continue them later. Click here to sign up for the video series. Click here to sign up for the video series.

A big thank you goes to my consultant, who shed a lot of light on the blind spots with her fresh eye. To my great assistant, without whom this change would not have been implemented. To my clients, friends and family for their open feedback and appreciative support.


Best regards and have fun on my new homepage.

Yours Brigitta